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Welcome to J. Grace Corporation!  We are a registered Federal Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), as well as a New York State, and NYC WBE supplier of clean energy and education products.  Our products generate more sustainable buildings and healthier, more sustainable communities.  We have two divisions: SMARTgame®, our  very own patented whole-child sustainable habit formation technology for students grades Pre-K-6, and 1GreenNation, our LED lighting, electrical heat pump, and EV charging station distributorship. We unite communities in right action that heals from the foundation up. At J. Grace Corporation, young children lead the way! When you think about health and light, think about J. Grace because we are spreading it everywhere!!   


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Reach for the Sky,
Grace's art project - 2005

Grace for a Cure is our 501c3 non-for-profit organization

Our hero and inspiration was born on 11/27/2000.  In 2005 Grace was diagnosed with MPSIIIB, Sanfilippo Syndrome.  Unfortunately, there was no cure available for this rare genetic disease and Grace passed away in 2014 at the age of 13.  Sanfilippo Syndrome is a "storage disease."  Grace couldn't metabolize (eliminate) metabolic sugars in her body.  This disease came with a very loud message... Excess build-up of any kind is dangerous.  This holds true for our environment and for human beings as well.   Grace's illness inspired Grace for a Cure, her unique learning needs inspired SMARTgame®, and her bright shiny spirit inspired 1GreenNation.   One child named Grace...we are forever grateful.


Grace for a Cure's mission is to raise funds and awareness towards a cure for Sanfilippo Syndrome while contributing to the health and happiness of young school children at the same time!  We grant SMARTgame® classroom learning kits to school districts nationwide!  These patented, powerful kits provide a 6-week whole-child wellness learning experience for students of all learning levels, grades pre-K thru 6.   Together students connect deeply and positively with their peers through play, while parents, teachers, and local businesses unite to cheer them on!  

We get young children on the path to happy habits, and it's a lesson they'll never forget!

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Lighting up young children!!

SMARTgame® motivates children to take one healthy action each day.  We use a modified form of the behavioral learning method  "ABA" Applied Behavioral Analysis to teach them how to care for themselves, others, and the environment.  They learn these habits so early, that the practice of taking care of the most important things first in life becomes second nature.  The innovative learning method also motivates the rest of their family members, and their teachers too!  Everybody benefits when our foundation (our children) are built sturdy!  Isn't this just complete common sense?  We give thanks to Grace for what she taught us about the nature of life and how to sustain it.

Lighting up buildings!

Since 2015, we have been supplying commercial and residential LED lighting.  So far we have supplied and subcontracted installation of over 10 million square feet of LED lighting, cutting down on energy usage by over 70% in most cases.   We also supply all types of HVAC equipment including air source and ground source heat pump systems.   Our work decreases the nation's carbon footprint!  Our prices are great, and we grant our SMARTgame® learning technology to local schools of the communities we serve.

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"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."


Robert Collier


Straight from the Source

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“We wanted to help our families save energy and provide a brighter,
modern ambiance for our community. We’re very happy with the new
lighting—we’re using less electricity and saving about $8,000 a month
in utility bills. That’s about 80% of our electric costs. We don’t plan to
replace these lights for another 15 years!”
— Tracy Phillip, Property Manager, Metro Management

Tracy Phillip


"This game changes the game". ...Re:  SMARTgame®

David L. Katz, MD, MPH, FACPM, FACP, FACLM, founding director of the Yale Griffin Prevention Research Center

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Joan is a highly skilled, motivated self starter, with tremendous leadership skills!

John DiPlacido, President and Life Design Construction, Inc.

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Working briefly with Joan was enough to witness her extreme desire to succeed in all areas.  Her passion for her current project truly shows in everything she does. Joan's ideas are on the cutting edge and she executes them flawlessly, not allowing any obstacles to derail or delay her. Those fortunate enough to work with Joan will see that she is doing big things and nothing can stop her.

Howard Albert, Salesforce expert


Joan Bucchino, MSEd, CLC, President

Have a need to save energy/update your lighting?  Want to teach a child how to be a self-starter?  Contact us today!

29 South Chestnut St., New Paltz, NY 12561


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