Our story starts with Grace, a special little girl who had a rare disease called Sanfilippo Syndrome/MPS IIIB. Grace was missing a crucial enzyme, this deficiency caused a "storage" condition in in her body, rendering her unable to eliminate excess cellular waste. This build-up caused degenerative effects and sadly, there was no treatment or cure. Today, Grace's legacy carries on as amA+zing Grace, inspiring children and adults to take healthful actions which eliminate excess "build up" in their own systems, and in the environment we all share. The spreadable/sharable..(amazing) dust compound that comes from Grace's feet is called "Inner Shine Enzyme." Students manufacture this via smart decision making, and share it freely. We have plenty to share with adults too!
A 501c3 Non-for-profit Committed to healthy futures for our young ones
Children's healthy habit game

Graceplay in action at Max's home and in his Kindergarden class at Red Hawk Elementary, Erie, CO

Grace for a Cure - Our 501c3 non-for-profit organization
Our hero and inspiration was born on 11/27/2000. In 2005, Grace was diagnosed with MPSIIIB. Grace was an absolute bundle of joy, a pure ray of light who shined on all she met. All people, young and old would smile from ear to ear when Grace was in the room. She loved food, running around the house with her sister, knocking things off of countertops, being with her friends and teachers at school and at home, and watching the Power Puff Girls fly around saving the world. She was so happy and often laughed so hard that she would fall over! Grace worked with her amazing teachers every day and was able to learn so much more than she ever would have without them. She never spoke, but learned how to hum “Twinkle twinkle little star!” She might as well have gotten into Harvard in our eyes. She was in so many ways what we all strive to be, completely at peace and lived every single moment of her life being fully present. Sadly, Grace passed away at the age of 13 in 2014.
From watching Grace work with her teachers, her Mom and sister developed game for all young children (pre-k thru 5) that helps them to reach small, daily goals independently. This 6-week learning experience is great for their self-esteem as they learn to become achievers with minimal, yet consistent effort. There are two versions of this game, one is called SMARTgame® and is distributed commercially to elementary schools. The other is called “GRACEPLAY” and is granted for free via our non-for-profit organization Grace For A Cure. Get on the list to receive a “GRACEPLAY” classroom kit grant today


Joan Bucchino MSEd, Founder
516 515 1180